In Toronto's 25 ridings, Doug Ford is wildly unpopular - in many, barely a third of voters support PC candidates.
To defeat him, we don't need to persuade any Ford voters or turn out new voters. We simply need to unite the non-Conservative vote.
That's where you come in. Pledge your vote to the candidate best positioned to defeat Ford's PCs in your riding:
How It Works
The plan behind #UniteTheVote
Our research team is analyzing the data in each Toronto riding (you can read more about our modelling system in our blog). Using that wealth of information, they are assessing which ridings are most at-risk of a PC victory, and which candidate in those ridings is best positioned to defeat the Conservative.
Meanwhile, our team is in action collecting Unity Pledges in our target ridings. Voters who sign the pledge are committing to #UniteTheVote behind the candidate we identify as best positioned to defeat Ford's PC candidate on June 2nd.
Those who take the pledge will be notified via email of our decision once its made. And they'll be invited to join the local organizing efforts in their community as well, in a snowball model that can quickly scale up to deliver the critical mass of voters we need to swing each target riding.
It all starts with Toronto voters pledging to #UniteTheVote. Take the pledge today: