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It's Time:
Unite To Stop Ford

Here's why:

In 2018, Doug Ford won a majority government with just 40% of the vote - including 11 seats in Toronto.

Since then, he's slashed Toronto's city council, steamrolled our school boards, uprooted Ontario's climate action, and presided over a disastrous response to the COVID pandemic.


This June, we fight back. Not One Seat is a grassroots collective of volunteers working together, across party lines, to prevent another Doug Ford majority.


11 seats is the difference between another Ford majority or the opportunity for a Liberal/NDP/Green collaboration. Scroll down to read our plan to deny Ford a majority and ensure he wins #NotOneSeat in Toronto

The Numbers:


Number of seats needed to form a majority government


Seats currently held by Ford's PCs


Number of seats won by Ford in Toronto in 2018

Here's How:

  • Our message, unstoppable. First, we are building a grassroots network of creatives, influencers, and supporters. The network's volunteers will create videos, graphics, articles, and podcasts highlighting Ford's many failures. Then, we'll distribute and amplify that content through a growing grassroots network in targeted ways to ensure that those messages reach voters in the right ridings.

  • Vote smarter. Our volunteers will do the hard work of analyzing the local party chapters, candidate strength and resources, past election outcomes, and riding level polling aggregates. Then, we'll  meet with non-Ford candidates in each Toronto riding and grill them to ensure they have what it takes to win, and will commit to work across party lines to deny Ford government if he wins a plurality of seats. Taken together, we'll use this info to assess the candidate best positioned to defeat Ford in each Toronto riding, and use our expanding grassroots network to make sure everyone knows who they are - and votes for them. Remember: taking Ford from 11 seats in Toronto to zero is almost certainly enough to deny him a majority. The election can be decided here.

  • From the ground up. We'll equip Not One Seat volunteers with toolkits and free resources they can use to reach out to friends, neighbours, and community groups in their own riding. They'll build local networks that can be activated to spread the word further and continue organizing to unite behind a single non-Ford candidate and ensure that on June 3rd, we wake up to a city in which Ford's government holds #NotOneSeat. And we'll do it all fully transparently, so if others want to use our tactics and materials in other ridings or regions, they can easily do so.

Here's How
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