Sign the Pledge
Doug Ford may have won the last election, but he's not popular. A December 2024 Angus Reid poll shows him having the lowest approval rating of every Premier in Canada. His 2022 election had the lowest turnout in Ontario history at 43.5%—nearly 5 percentage points lower than the previous record (2011, for Dalton McGuinty's third term). Over 400,000 fewer Ontarians voted for him than before.
With Ford's all-out war on Toronto—the years of delays to the Eglinton Crosstown and Scarborough subway (RT replacement), needlessly shuttering the Science Centre, the senseless razing of the Ontario Place to spend billions in public money on a private mega-spa—in addition to the corruption, the closed ERs, the family doctor shortage, paving over the Greenbelt for a needless highway, eliminating rent control, holding back affordable housing..... Toronto must fight back.​
Take the pledge to defeat Ford!
Not from Toronto? Not to worry. We have some resources to help you unite the vote in your riding.
How It Works
The plan behind #UniteTheVote
By strategically voting, we can chip Ford down to a minority position.
At that point, the Opposition parties can refuse to support a Ford government and instead agree to a coalition or other arrangement to form government instead.
This happened most recently in BC in 2017 with the NDP and Green parties partnering to form government instead of the minority Liberals. In Ontario, this happened in 1985, with the NDP agreeing to support the Liberal party for two years, and forming government instead of the minority Conservative.
Not One Seat will identify the Unity Candidates. Our volunteer research team will analyze the the data in each Toronto riding, (you can read more about our modelling system in our blog) to identify the ridings most at risk of a Conservative victory, and which Opposition candidate is best positioned to win.
In 2022, we got it right in all but two cases, both extremely tight three-way races: in one case, the race was so close we could not confidently make a call, but in the other, we picked incorrectly--as did nearly every professional pollster. (Fortunately, that riding still went to a progressive party.) Still, both these cases favoured the incumbent, and we will account for this in our future predictions.
Voters who sign the pledge are committing to #UniteTheVote behind the candidate we identify as best positioned to defeat Doug Ford, as well as giving us the strength of numbers to advocate with candidates for cooperation. We will notify you via email of our decision once its made, and will invite you to participate in any organizing efforts to help swing or hold each target riding.
In Toronto, most Conservative ridings were won by a slim margin. We must hold on to every Liberal and NDP riding we have, and take the opportunity to flip the ones that went Conservative in 2022.
Take the pledge today: https://act.notoneseat.ca/UnityPledge